The BRIDGES project.
The BRIDGES Network of CoVE targets the development of aquaculture VET and Higher VET transnational platform, with a strong emphasis on the modernisation and digitalisation of work-based learning and apprenticeship systems, within four north European countries producing finfish. VET delivery teams will be developed in partnership with the industry (fish producers and technology supply companies) including SMEs and larger companies. Work based learning pedagogies and digital learning resources and tools will be developed that allow each country to create the ‘blend’ of work-based and alternative methods of VET delivery, to suit its own priorities, resources, national VET systems and stage of aquaculture VET development.
Collaboration between VET providers will be supported by a ‘Shared Framework of Learning Outcomes’ (SFLOs) underpinned by an industry led Common Competence Framework (CCF), to inform the collaborative development of learning resources, assessment processes and pedagogy. The SFLOs will ease the recognition of qualification equivalencies, assisted by ECVET and supporting learner mobility and shared delivery by VET specialists and industry experts, contributing to a unitised and modernised VET delivery system, that can be shared both nationally and transnationally.