Counting sea lice
The common competence framework (CCF) for finfish production is going to be developed for the husbandry operative and site manager levels for cold water finfish farming. The process will be led by industry but supported by a VET partners experienced in the development of definitions (knowledge skills and competences) for each occupational level.
The process will fully involve industry, both the producer and technology supply companies, guided by the VET providers under the auspices of the ASFF. They will consult other companies that are not part partners for specific technical advice, as and when appropriate. The ASFF will also be responsible for establishing a dialogue with those organisations and committees responsible for standards development and updating at a national level, to coordinate and gain synergy from parallel national work streams.
The VET providers on the forum will ensure compatibility with the subsequent process, the development of a framework of sharedlLearning outcomes. More specifically:
- The protocols and language to be used to develop and describe competencies will be agreed by the forum.
- The common competencies for finfish on-growing will be defined at husbandry operative and site manager levels, taking note of legitimate national level variances.
The CCF output will be related back to national level organisations and Associated Partners to inform related national level standards development initiatives, to add European level industry endorsement and ensure consistency between the National Qualifications for Aquaculture in each partner country regarding the knowledge and skills to be delivered.