In relation to the deliverable 10.5 Aquaculture Workshops and Conferences, Blue Competence Center is organizing the 9th year iteration of the Bridgehead Conference in the island region of Hitra and Frøya.
The conference connects aquaculture students to aquaculture companies.
This year's autumn conference's theme was Aquaculture Norway 2030 - "Seafood and technology".
A fully booked event brought together representatives from the business community, students, researchers, students, teachers and committed social actors for a dialogue about the future of the Norwegian aquaculture sector.
«What, if not aquaculture? Who, if not Norway?» sets the stage for a visionary day. Many of the speakers pointed to the development of aquaculture in the Green Shift, with capacity building and knowledge sharing as the basis.
Bridgehead Conference 2021 Blue Competence Center Event landing page
Bridgehead Conference 2021 NTNU website (updated with the livestream, program and presentations):
The Bridhehead Conference is a collaboration between:
Blue Competence Center has directly facilitated 120 master´s dissertations in marine industries through this collaboration.