Swedish BRIDGES partners presenting at National aquaculture conference in Strömstad

Mikael Thörn (VET), Daniel Krång (higher VET) and Wenche Hansen (Matfiskodlarna) precent Bridges project on the Swedish national Aquaculture conference.
Both educations from Campusväst, the Vet and higher VET in aquaculture participated in the national aquaculture conference in Strömstad on the 15th and 16th of Mars, 2022. The national aquaculture conference is held every other year at varius locations in Sweden.
The purpose of the conference is to network, present the latest reserch development, discuss the challenges for the industry and look att future prospects for the Swedich aquaculture.
This years focus was on: innovations in aquaculture, circular systems and entrepreneurs.
Campus Väst´s contribution to the conference was to present the start of the Bridges project on the national level and the start of WP2, the SFÅ-ASFF (Aquaculture skills foresight forum, fore Sweden, Finland and Åland).