Building on the experiences from last year, refining and developing participant experience for the education and trade fair exhibition of the island regions in Norway

YOU23 at Hitrahallen. Credit: Blått Kompetansesenter.
"It's all about YOU!"
With support from the European Commission and in collaboration with the Bridges Project and the upper secondary school Guri Kunna, BKS are proud to develop a practical, hands-on education and trade fair that engages youngsters from the island regions of Hitra, Frøya, Mausund and Sørburøy.
With activities that reflect the work days of the participating companies and facilitation with the help of Guri Kunna students, career choice for youngsters have never been this easy!
The digital catalogue and Youtube-playlist below are made to help participating youngsters and job seekers to better prepare for their encounters with participating schools and companies at YOU. The videos in the playlist represent the participating schools and companies that youngsters and job seekers will meet at YOU:
Activities on the day:
Below is an overview of who is visiting the fair at any given time.
There is also a half hour in which there is no activity, so exhibitors can take a break.
08.30-11.00 - 9th and 10th grade
11.00-11.30 - lunch for the students
11.30-13.30 - first year high school students
13.30-14.00 - break for exhibitors
14.00-16.00 - open fair for everyone (parents, jobseekers, older high school students and anybody else who is curious)
Mini seminar
Between 09.00-12.00 there will be mini-seminars and bridge-building activities in the hall.
YOU24 will be held at the activities and sports hall, Frøyahallen at Hitra, Norway.