BRIDGES presented at Skagerrak Conference 2023

The Skagerrak conference is a Norwegian-Swedish conference for sustainable development of marine resources in the bordering waters of Norway and Sweden. The conference gathers entrepreneurs, politicians, scientists, NGO:s and aims to reach the whole value chain.
In the sector of education and recruitment, we were invited to present our educations and how the Bridges project has shown new ways of industry/education cooperation.
Campus Väst´s (Gullmarsgymnasiet Lysekil) contribution to the conference was to present the current results of the Bridges project on the national level and what the next steps for the project are: To complete the action plan together with the industry (WP2), continue to develop courses that the industry demands at higher VET level, to continue the work based learning pilot (WP6), to develop the internships (WP2) and deepen the collaboration with the industry.
The role of education for the industry´s recruitment process was shown in a new and innovative way.
We also presented our current educations and how they have developed during the time in Bridges.