June 21-22 Bridges partners will visit their Icelandic counterparts in the Reykjavík and Suðurnes regions for a transnational project meeting

Partners will meet with Icelandic aquaculture representatives and learn about their experiences and needs. What will follow are two days of work package discussions. Each work package leader will present to the team what has been done so far, what is planned and roundtable brainstorming for each work package.
Time: 21th June 2022 – 22nd June 2022
Place: Reykjavik
Local organizer: Alexandra Leeper (ICF), Ástríður Einarsdóttir (Holar) and Lilja Gisladottir (UNAK)
21th of June:
0830-0930 Transport from Grand Hotel Reykjavik to Grindavik
0930-1100 Samherji Land Based Farm (tour/meeting) https://www.samherji.is/en/land-based
1115-1145 Lunch
1145-1230 Transport to Sandgerði
1230-1335 Tour of Samherji processing plant in Sandgerði https://www.samherji.is/en/fishfarming/samherji-fishfarming
1245-1340 Transport from Sandgerði to Reykjavik
1340-1430 Icelandic Ocean Cluster (tour and meeting) https://www.sjavarklasinn.is/en/
1430-1700 BRIDGES project meeting
1430-1700: Bridges project meeting
1430-1440 Welcome by project leader Dag Willmann
1440-1600 WP7 Quality assurance (ICF)
Set up a detailed plan/guideline for BRIDGES internal Quality assurance to be approved with the partners: What should these guidelines be based upon?
Task 7.1: Common Competence framework (CCF) - 31.05.2022
Task 7.2: Framework of Shared Learning Outcomes (FSLO) - 15.06.2022
Task 7.3: Learning resources - 06.07.2022
Task 7.4: Assessment Instruments - 06.07.2022
1600-1700 WP8 Evaluation (BCC)
Set up a detailed plan/guideline for BRIDGES internal Evaluation to be approved with the partners: The whole process with plan, WP meetings and approval to be completed by the end of May 2022.
Task 8.1: Pilot feedback data analysis
Task 8.2: Delivery team internal evaluations
Task 8.3 External project evaluation
22nd of June:
0900-1200: Bridges project meeting at The Grand Hotel, gallery room.
0900-1030 WP11 Implementation VET enhanced regional development, innovation and entrepreneurship (UNAK)
Text from the BRIDGES proposal:
VET enhanced regional development, innovation and entrepreneurship
VET providers in a (rural) regions will help businesses to apply a bottom up approach to developing an upward converging workflow methodology that enhances the regional economy, by developing, supporting and strengthening the aquaculture business skills base and capabilities for innovation, enterprise and entrepreneurship.
Task 11.1: BRIDGES Handbook and multimedia material - 15.06.2022
- Make a rough draft for the SME Handbook and multimedia material. Use material given by BCC or set up joint meetings with BCC for support. Any other study/research engaging the Bridges partners and one`s own network is welcome for gathering a better picture of industry needs. The multimedia material can also be rough drafts like pictures uploaded from a hand drawn sketch, whatever is at your disposal currently. Main focus here: how can VET providers give added value to local/international companies other than educating students? > Programs, courses, conferences etc?
Task 11.2: BRIDGES SME action plan checklist - 15.06.2022
Make a rough draft for the SME Action Plan checklist. Use material given by BCC or set up joint meetings with BCC for support. Any other study/research engaging the Bridges partners and one`s own network is welcome for gathering a better picture of industry needs.
Task 11.3: BRIDGES Establishing knowledge triangles - 06.07.2022
Task 11.4: BRIDGES “Toolbox for SMEs Innovation Ecosystem” - 07.09.2022
Task 11.5: BRIDGES Innovation camps - 03.10.2022
Task 11.6: BRIDGES Methodological Guideline for Pedagogical Entrepreneurship - 03.10.2022
1030-1200 WP10 Implementation - VET responsiveness towards Industry needs (BCC)
Task 10.1: Industry Forum - Annual meeting to explore Aquaculture VET demand and supply.
Final delivery:
- Short report with results. Multimedia material to present information and cases. Posters, rollups and leaflets - month 48
- Develop a meeting place where the industry informs and suggests what the VET providers should prioritise.
- Industry top leader level
- Site managers
- Husbandry level
- Yearly kickoff meetings
- Industry and SME’s
- VET schools
- Follow up meetings each semester
- Develop a meeting place where the industry informs and suggests what the VET providers should prioritise.
- Short report with results. Multimedia material to present information and cases. Posters, rollups and leaflets - month 48
Task 10.2: Company micro-forums
- Final delivery:
- Short report with results. Multimedia material to present information and cases. Posters, rollups and leaflets - month 48
- Together with the VET provider, set up, invite and organize micro forums.
- Company specific needs (follow up from D10.1?)
- Methods and tools for building close relationships with SME’s.
- Together with the VET provider, set up, invite and organize micro forums.
Task 10.3: Industry in education partnerships
Final delivery:
- Short report with achieved results. Multimedia material as a supplementary tool to present cases from industry - month 48.
Task 10.4: Vocational and Education Exhibition Trade Fair
Task 10.5: National and/or regional workshops and aquaculture conference to that addresses 4 key areas:
- new research findings with skills needs implications,
- political changes related to fish farming regulations and priorities
- new and emerging education and training needs, and
- hatcheries, farming, processing and supply industry needs.
Each year it should be a theme promoted at the workshop or conference such that it may lead to action and/or change.
1200-1245: Lunch
1245-1530: Bridges project meeting at The Grand Hotel, gallery room. (Coffee served during this lot)
1245-1345 WP4 Implementation - Work-based learning innovation (ELS)
- D4.1 Work based learning delivery team guidelines
- D4.2 VET practitioner development guidelines
1345-1415 WP6 Implementation - Aquaculture work-based learning pilots (Holar)
Set up a draft of plan for Aquaculture Work-based learning pilots starting from November 2022:
Initiate WP meeting(s): It’s maybe not obvious that the pilots will run simultaneously in all countries. Set up a draft of plan finished by 27.07.2022 and followed by a process for confirmations of VET partners before 05.10.2022.
- Deliver plan for the process - 27.07.2022.
- Create a rough draft - .
- D6.1 Norwegian aquaculture work-based pilots
- Do you need results/examples Norwegian partners? Define your needs.
- Its created curriculum for HSE Mentoring program that may be piloted in Norway.
- Its created syllabus for D6 vessel certificate that will be piloted in Norway. From 01.01.2024, all masters of cargo ships over 8 meters in length must have a certificate. This was also stated as important from the industry at Nordic ASFF in Norway, October 2021.
- Do you need results/examples Norwegian partners? Define your needs.
- D6.2 Icelandic aquaculture higher VET work-based learning pilot
- Based on the dialogue in WP3 it may be more appropriate to change this to Norway and/or Sweden and/or Finland?
- D6.3 Icelandic aquaculture VET work-based learning pilot
- Do use input from other Icelandic partners.
- D6.4 Finnish aquaculture VET work-based learning pilot
- Do you need results/examples Finnish partners? Define your needs.
- D6.5 Swedish aquaculture VET work-based learning pilot
- Do you need results/examples Swedish partners?
1415-1445 WP3 Implementation - Framework of shared learning outcomes (TC)
- D3.1 Learning outcomes protocols
- D3.2 Framework of shared learning outcomes (FSLO)
- D3.3 Updated ESCO standards
1445-1500 WP9 Dissemination (TC)
- D9.1 Bridges web-site
- D9.2 Events, networks and associations
- D9.3 Hard copy publications
1500-1515 WP2 Preparation - Aquaculture Skills Foresight Forum (Salmar)
- D2.1 Communication guideline (English)
- D2.2 Common Competence Framework
1515-1530 Wrap up session. Any other issues?