The Transnational BRIDGES meeting in Finland was held 13 - 16.03.2023.

Previous BRIDGES meetings have implemented different working methods for achieving a common understanding of the project and its deliverables amonsgt partners. This time, instead of challenging the WP leaders to spend time on an introductory presentation, partners have discussed the implementation of their activities as a workshop. All partners were communicated the expectation that they have spent some time with regards to preparations and ideas in relation to project activities up to this project meeting. Almost all partners have budgeted working days in all WPs, so this applies to all WPs and not just WP’s for which they are the leader.
Central questions accross WPs were:
- what has each partner that has been given days in the WP’s done so far & what they are planning for 2023?
- what do the partners need help with?
- how to collaborate in the WP’s?
- delegation of work load?
- when sharing experiences with one another, how can these ble implemented in the other partner countries?
Action minutes have been recorded and followed-up on in subsequent monthly digital meeting.
Transnational project meeting - Agenda
Time: 14th – 16th March 2023
Place: Jyväskylä, Finland
Local organizer: Antti Forsman, Livia College
Monday 13.3.
- arrival in Finland
- overnight Hotel Tripla Helsinki/Pasila
Tuesday 14.3.
- morning train (at 09:03) to Jyväskylä, with meeting room for 12 people (there is no bigger one) and two groups of tables next to the meeting room.
- accommodation Hotel Scandic Jyväskylä Station
Wednesday 15.3
- Visits to Natural Resources Institute Finland and Nordic Trout aquaculture plant
- Project meeting and Dinner at Varjola Hotel
Thursday 16.3.
- Visit to University of Jyväskylä (Acuaculture)
- Train to Helsinki at 1:15 p.m., with meeting room and table groups are reserved.
- Arrival in Helsinki at 16:54 and ending the international meeting.
- Flights home or staying overnight in a hotel of your choice in Helsinki (many of us have booked Hotel Tripla Helsinki also this night).
Program / Agenda – Tuesday 14th March
0930-0945 On the train, Welcome to Finland by Local representative.
0945-1045 WP1 – Project management (TC) - on the train.
D1.4 Management reports à Sharpening of routines for financial reporting from BRIDGES partners. (Dag and Ingunn, TC)
1045-1130 WP2 - Aquaculture Skills Foresight Forum (SalMar) – on the train.
D2.1 Communication guideline (English)
D2.2 Common Competence Framework
1130-1230 WP11 Implementation VET enhanced regional development, innovation and entrepeneurship (UNAK) – on the train.
D11.1 Handbook supporting development of SME Innovation
D11.2 SME action plan checklist
D11.3 BRIDGES - knowledge triangles
D11.4 Toolbox for SMEs innovation ecosystems
D11.5 Innovation camps
D11.6 BRIDGES Methodology for Pedagogical Entrepreneurship
1300-1400 Lunch
1415-1600 WP6 Implementation - Aquaculture work-based learning pilots (Holar)
D6.1 Norwegian aquaculture work-based pilots
D6.2 Icelandic aquaculture higher VET work-based learning pilot
D6.3 Icelandic aquaculture VET work-based learning pilot
D6.4 Finnish aquaculture VET work-based learning pilot
D6.5 Swdish aquaculture VET work-based learning pilot
1600-1615 Coffee brake
1615-1715 WP7 Quality assurance (ICF)
D7.1 Common Competence Framework (CCF)
D7.2 Framework of shared learning outcomes
D7.3 Learning resources
D7.4 Assessment instruments
1715-1800 WP8 Evaluation (BCC)
D8.1 Pilot feedback data analysis
D8.2 Delivery team internal evaluations
D8.3 External project evaluation
1900 Project dinner
Program / Agenda – Wednesday 15th March
0900-1300 Visits to Natural Resources Institute Finland (Aquaculture) and Nordic Trout aquaculture plant
1300-1400 Lunch
1400-1500 WP5 Implementation - Aquaculture work-based learning resources (TC)
D5.1 Recognition and accreditation of prior learning
D5.2 Re-purposing existing e-learning digital resources
D5.3 Development of aquaculture e-learning resources
D5.4 Evaluation of assessment instruments and methods
D5.5 Individual learning and assessment plans
1500-1600 WP4 Implementation - Work-based learning innovation (ELS)
D4.1 Work-based learning delivery team guidelines
D4.2 VET practitioner development guidelines
1600-1700 WP10 Implementation - VET responsiveness towards Industry needs (BCC)
D10.1 Industry Forum - annual meeting to explore Aquaculture VET demand and supply
D10.2 Company micro-forums
D10.3 Industry in Education Partnerships
D10.4 Vocational and Educational Exhibition Trade Fair
D10.5 Aquaculture Workshops and Conferences
1700-1830 Summary of the days and project challenges.
1900 Dinner
Program / Agenda – Thursday 16th March
0900-1100 Visit to the University of Jyväskylä (Acuaculture)
1100-1130 Checkout from Hotel
1130-1230 Lunch
1330-1430 WP3 Framework of shared learning outcomes (TC) - on the train.
D3.1 Learning outcomes protocols
D3.2 Framework of shared learning outcomes (FSLO)
D3.3 Updated ESCO standards
1430-1530 WP9 Dissemination (TC) - on the train.
D9.1 Bridges web-site
D9.2 Events, networks and associations
D9.3 Hard copy publications
Participants, BRIDGES:
Norway: Trøndelag County Authority (TC), SalMar, Blue Competence Centre (BCC), Easy Learning Solutions (ELS)
Iceland: Holar University College (Holar), Icelandic College of Fisheries (ICF), Arnarlax, University of Akureyri (UNAK)
Sweden: Gullmarsgymnasiet / Lysekils vuxenutbildning (GG), Nordic Trout Sweden AB (NTS)
Finland: Livia College, Nordic Trout AB (NTF)