It's a wrap! The project consortium will gather at Frøya to have an end-of-project wrap up

Project Recap: Present a summary of the project’s journey, key milestones, major achievements, and overall impact.
Milestones and highlights: Highlight the project’s major wins, and contributions of team members.
Lessons Learned Discussion: Discussion on what went well, what didn’t, and what could be improved.
Feedback Session: Collect feedback from the team on the project processes, communication, and tools used.
Next Steps and Future Outlook: Discuss what’s coming next, whether it’s new projects, handovers and which activities will continue operations as a result of the project, forwarding of EU guidelines for final reporting and wrap-ups.
Food, Drinks, and Socializing: End with a relaxed time where everyone can enjoy food and drinks.
Date: 30th October 2024 – 1000-ca.1600 (CET)
Venue: Dolmsundet Hotel
Local organizers: Dag Willmann
1000 - 1030 Mingling and morning coffee
1030 - 1200 Discussions and overview of remaining work in the reporting period between 1st November and 15th January
1200 - 1300 Lunch
1300 - 1415 Workshop on possible new project collaboration?
1415 - 1445 Mingling and Coffee
1445 - 1600 Workshop on possible new project collaboration?
1800 à Project dinner at Dolmsundet Hotel (Sea Lodge)
BRIDGES partnership: Norway:
- Trøndelag County Authority (TC) à Dag Willmann
- Blue Competence Centre (BCC) à Elisabeth Nordin
- Easy Learning Solutions (ELS) à John Birger Stav
- SalMar Farming à Asgeir Johansen
- Holar University (HU) à Ástríður Einarsdóttir
- Icelandic College of Fisheries (ICF) à Klemenz Sæmundsson
- University of Akureyri (UNAK) à Guðrún Arndís Jónsdóttir
- Arnarlax à Karen Ósk Pétursdóttir / Bjørn Hembre
- Gullmarsgymnasiet / Lysekils vuxenutb. (GG) à Daniel Krång
- Nordic Trout Sweden (NTS) à Gunhild Israelsson
- Livia College (LC) à Antti Forsman and Jaakko Lumme
- Nordic Trout Finland (NTF) à Pasi Korvonen / Hanna Peltokangas